About Us

What is The Great Run?

The Great Run is a mid to long distance driving event for any form of motorized transport. It is a chance for both driver and vehicle to cover hundreds of kilometers and take in some of the best roads in the country in the company of like-minded individuals. However, much as it is organized as such, the Great Run is not a form of Motorsport nor is it competitive. This is to ensure the highest standard of safety and obeisance of traffic regulations are observed, as the Great Run has been and will be conducted on public roads.


The Run is also a charity event. We have and will approach homes and shelters to provide food stuff, clothing and anything else that both participants and sponsors feel free to give. We contribute a percentage of the total amount raised from sponsorship. On the 14th of July we visited HAWA Children’s home near Kitengela and the participants had a great time with the children as food, clothing stationery and cash donations were made. For the next one we intend to visit Chombo Cha Upendo Children’s Home in Loitoktok. This home is operated by TEULE KENYA.


The format is simple. A targeted group of no more than 50 vehicles will gather at the start-off point, after which they will depart in convoy towards their destination. Any participant is free to stop at will, overtake or be overtaken, provided his actions are in accordance with the Traffic Laws of Kenya. To ensure this, there will be a lead vehicle, under the control of the organizers that will determine the overall speed of the convoy. None of the participants is allowed to overtake this lead vehicle. At the very back of the convoy will be an ambulance and a recovery truck for contingency purposes.

On arrival at the destination, there will be a time allowance for discussions, a photo session, refreshments and pit stops (fuel top ups and sundry repairs if needed) after which the convoy will then depart and retrace its steps back to the starting point, where the Great Run will end.


There are a number of motoring enthusiasts who own exotic, tuned or unusual vehicles, but lack the facility to fully enjoy their cars. The Great Run brings these individuals together in an arena where they can drive these cars in the company of similar hardware and in the presence of people who appreciate what they have, without giving them undue negative criticism, as has been the case.

The second reason is to show all motoring enthusiasts that elitism is non-existent in this fraternity if the passion is shared. One does not have to drive an expensive exotic or heavily tuned vehicle for one to qualify as a motoring enthusiast. The open format of the Great Run’s entry qualifications ensure that any vehicle from the cheapest hatchback to the most expensive exotic can join in.

Third and most important is attitude. The Great Run will act as a podium from which we aim to dispel the false notion that a love of cars is synonymous with lack of responsibility on the road. To further this end, we have the lead vehicle which will govern the outright speed of the convoy, as well as a stringent set of rules and regulations (we will provide a rule book) to be followed by all participants of the Great Run. As backup, we have an ambulance and recovery truck for any unforeseen eventualities.

Lastly is the aspect of charity. It came to our notice that a large proportion of past participants are philanthropic by nature and were pleased to discover that they could not only enjoy their machines on the road, they could also give back to society in the process. It is now a mandatory aspect of The Great Run for charity to be included in its organization.

