The Great Run 13

Aloha, folks

Hooray, hooray, issa holi-holi-daay!

May 1st is a holiday all over the world; but June 1st is also a holiday right here in Kenya where we celebrate the anniversary of self-rule; the time we attained "Madaraka".

You know what else June 1st is? In 2018, this will be the date of commencement for the Great Run XIII, which we have named "The Long Weekend", and you will shortly find out why. Crack open your piggy banks and break out the holiday hats, we hereby present to you a plan for the three-day vacation. You will want to hear this.

December 2013 saw us make two major changes to the Great Run format: the creation of an off-road event and the introduction of the two-day run. These were well received as we hope this year's (non-permanent) change will be welcome as well. Say hello to the long weekend of the three-day run.

Yes, we have opted to spread out this event over the entire holiday weekend, and with good reason: it is a whopper. We are heading to Trans-Nzoia, home of the maize plant.

The following is why and how we chose to do this over three days:

DAY 1: Friday June 1st 2018

Kiamburing - Limuru - Flyover - Njabini - Engineer - Ol Kalou - Dundori - Nakuru - - Timboroa - Eldoret - Soy - Matunda - Kitale

This is where it gets interesting. While in previous events this would be the point at which we declare "we now enter the children's home", we will, in fact, NOT visit the children's home just yet. This is reserved for the next day. End of Day 1 will instead see us gather at the Kitale Club for a debrief and to rally ourselves, after which we will disperse for the evening for a bit of rest and recreation. An upcoming update will list the available accommodation arrangements, so do not worry about that just yet.

(*The distance involved and projected traffic conditions on 1st of June means the typical 6-hour drive will take longer than that, so expect to arrive in Kitale well into the evening)

DAY 2: Saturday June 2nd 2018


On the morning of the second day we will all reassemble at the Kitale Club at 9.00 a.m to stage for the next item on the program. By 9.30 we will all leave in convoy and proceed to the children's home where we will indulge in what we have indulged in over the past twelve events: plant smiles on the less fortunate children of this our land and nation.

We hope to be done before lunch time to allow the children have their midday meal without disturbance, during which time we will have dispersed again for the afternoon. Feel free to mingle, recharge, visit nearby curiosities (Kitale Museum is right there in the middle of everything) and perform any repairs or maintenance on your cars as needed because Day 3 will not be an easy one... You will need good brakes for the second leg of the drive

DAY 3: Sunday June 3rd 2018

Kitale - Sirwo - Cherangani - Chepkoilel - Junction - Iten - Tambach - Kabarnet - Mogotio - Kabarak - Nakuru - Naivasha - Nairobi

As stated above, you will need good brakes, especially when descending into the Kerio Valley. This will also be quite a lengthy drive so one is advised to fill one's tank in the morning before setting off. Due to the large distance involved, departure time is scheduled for 8.30 a.m to allow runners arrive home on time to relax sufficiently for Monday. You do not want to get back home at night if you are reporting to work the next morning...

Total distance: 952km, not counting random running within Kitale itself :-)


And that's how we do it, people. You know the drill: follow the page for constant updates on preparations, tips and recommendations, which will come thick and fast like the recent rains. In the meantime, register your vehicle on our website:

The entry fee is KES 6000/-, paid via M-Pesa to SHELINA MOHAMED on 0725 786 396

and this is PER VEHICLE, not per person. You can tag along as many freeloaders or paying passengers as you wish, there is no limitation on the number of people who can join in the fun, There, however, is a limitation to the number of cars we allow in our convoy, and that limitation is 70. First come, first served. This is going to be a big one, you do not want to miss out on the biggest long weekend of 2018...

The Great Run
