The Great Run 12

Salutations Great Runners!

Welcome to The Great Run XII

We are drawing to a close of what has been one of the most interesting years in the country's history; and not necessarily interesting in a good way. We are pretty sure the events that unfolded since on the political scene since August 8th have left a bad taste in everybody's mouth, irrespective of affiliation. Can we just get over this nonsense and continue with our lives please...

All is not lost, though. We at The Great Run - and by "we" the reference is to all of us: beneficiaries, participants, sponsors, organizers - transcend race, creed, ability and belief to make sure tomorrow is a better day than today was; and time has come again for us to unwind after a very trying year. The Great Run XII is nigh.

A dozen runs this will make it; and not a baker's dozen but we as usual will have some bread for the destitute and the needy little ones that deserve a little happiness in their lives. The target this time is Ngararabuni Nursery School run by one Howard Saunders in Namanga close to Tortilis Lodge near the Tanzanian border.

Before y'all jump to conclusions, no this is not a repeat of Great Run I and no, we are not crossing any borders... yet. This is the route we will take:

Day 1:

Galleria Shopping Mall - Karen Shopping Center - Ngong - Kiserian - Kona Baridi - Kapedo - Isinya - Kajiado - Namanga

Namanga is where the children's home (nursery school, actually) is, but unlike previous runs, it is not where we close the day, it is where our day actually begins.

Once done at the home, now we get down and dirty. This, after all, is an off-road event.

Namanga - Amboseli National Park - Kimana - Chyulu - Tsavo West

Yes, you read that right, we will be doing TWO national parks in a single day. Prepare for the drive of your lives, Great Runners.

We will spend the night at Tsavo West National Park, to arise the next morning for

Day 2:

Tsavo West - Mtito Andei - Makindu - Emali - Nairobi

where the Great Run XII will end.

* * * * *

This is going to be an interesting one. On the plus side, you may not need diff locks or low range, but you will still need a car with good clearance and 4WD just to be on the safe side. The conditions at recce time were dry and dusty. The roads are comprised of an unending series of rumble strips so if you have stiff suspension prepare for spinal jarring and some sideways action. If it rains... you will have a story to tell.

That's it for the introduction. As usual follow the page for constant updates on preparations, tips and recommendations. In the meantime, register your vehicle on our website

The entry fee is KES 6000/-, paid via M-Pesa to SHELINA MOHAMED on 0725 786 396
and this is PER VEHICLE, not per person. You can tag along as many freeloaders or paying passengers as you wish, there is no limitation on the number of people who can join in the fun, There, however, is a limitation to the number of cars we allow in our convoy, and that limitation is 50. First come, first served. You don't want to miss out on this...

In the meantime enjoy our little highlight reel on what to expect as observed from the recce...
