The Great Run XIV

Greetings Great Runners!

Is it just me or does it feel like forever between one Great Run and the next? 2018 has been a tough year and we sure could use a break... and a smile! Show. Your. Teeth. Like. Sha. Shabaaa Rrranks!

So now, the year is drawing to a close which means it's time we got down and dirty. We are venturing off the beaten path again and forging a way through the thick of where goats fear to tread and right into a child's heart, as we normally do year in year out. This never gets old, does it? Let's. Go. Give. Like. Sha. Shabaaa Rrranks!

Our route this time takes us deep into Samburu territory, in the Shaba Game Reserve (hence the "Shabba Ranks" connotations, if you'll forgive our musical bent) as we embark on the 14th Edition of the biannual Great Run charity drive. This. Is the. Plan. For. Sha. Shabaaa Runs!

DAY 1: Saturday December 1st 2018

Nairobi - Thika - Mwingi - Meru - Isiolo

Isiolo is where we have the children's home, called the Child Welfare Society of Kenya.

It doesn't end here. We will then proceed into Shaba National Reserve in Samburu where we will wrap up day 1 having covered 455km

DAY 2: Sunday December 2nd 2018

Shaba - Isiolo - Nanyuki - Makuyu - Thika - Nairobi

where the Great Run 14 will end having covered 320km in its second leg.

Don't be fooled by how simple the route looks. It is quite dusty where it's not tarmacked, which means we need to drive carefully. Participants are urged to stay in formation, particularly on the Day 1 stretch between Mwingi and Meru. It is easy to get lost in here and mobile telephony is a pipe dream. There is hardly any humanity as well. You do not want to get marooned in here, so, we insist: stay within sight of each other.

We feel we must remind you that this is an off-road event so bring the appropriate vehicles. While the route may not seem hardcore at first, unpredictable weather patterns mean what was tractable murram yesterday could easily transform into an impenetrable miasma today. Keep an eye peeled for the weatherman's predictions.

Flag-off will be at 5.45 a.m at Shell Thika Road owing to the long journey ahead, so please keep time (the park gates close at 6.00 p.m)

The protocols stand. Visit our website to see what is what, or alternatively, stay hooked right here on our Facebook page for the steady stream of updates that usually precede every event. Of course to take part in this wild adventure means you must register, and how?

The entry fee is KES 6000/-, paid via M-Pesa to SHELINA MOHAMED on 0725 786 396, that's how;

and this is PER VEHICLE, not per person. You can tag along as many freeloaders or paying passengers as you wish, there is no limitation on the number of people who can join in the fun, There, however, is a limitation to the number of cars we allow in our convoy, and that limitation is 60. First come, first served.

So there you have it. A, B, C, D, X-I-V. Fourteen is the number and 1st is the date. Let's get this party started.

Alea Jacta Est!

The Great Run
